
Hey! I’m Karan Gill. New to my site? Start here. Send me your thoughts at karan [at] karangill [dot com]. I like hearing the Internet’s thoughts :)

I studied semiconductor physics. Now, I work in technical communication. I’m very curious, whether it’s understanding morality or mathematics. Track my progress at https://github.com/karan-gill/vidyakosh.

On the side, I eat South Asian food, 100% dark chocolate, and bring friends together.

11 thoughts on “About

  1. Thida on

    Hii! Your stuff is actually amazing :) keep it upppp!

    Ps- do you have instagram or facebook? Or do you not give that to the public?

  2. Loved your article about Black Rock City. I’m putting together a Burning Science YouTube Channel. I’d love to do a video interview with you about your take on Burner culture. Any chance?

  3. Luciana on

    I thought your background is India or creative writing in Cambridge. ;DD

    • Technical Guy Karan on

      I am Also Thinking about that . I was searching for this domain on godaddy and i found that it is registered…………
      I am also from India With the same name Karan Gill

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